My biggest order yet was made last month by Susan, who happens to be the best employer ever (which might be a total stretch of the imagination, considering she's not actually my boss so I have no idea if she's nice to work for or not). She wanted 20 scarfs for her employees and handmade gifts are so kick ass (in my humble opinion). Here are some photos of her finished order. There are 17 smaller 'short' scarfs, which I consider 'one tie' scarfs and three much larger and wider 'two tie' scarfs.
Here are all the different colors:
Here are some close ups:
If you are unfamiliar with what is available for custom orders, here are some links to previous blog posts with orders and examples:
Baby hats, city caps, headbands
Bear hats and mittens, cotton headband
More scarfs, hypoallergenic sets
Hats and fingerless gloves
Peter Pan hat, scarfs and generally awesome stuff
Past custom orders and more examples
You can also visit my store or contact me at my email address You can make orders through email or ask as many questions as you want and I will promptly get back to you with pricing and an easy to pay invoice.
I am also offering carriage/crib size baby blankets for $50, in pretty much whatever color you want. These would be great shower/new baby gifts!
Also I'm currently including adorable ultra-cute crochet gift cards to attach to your purchases.
I have some Thanksgiving photos to share...
I am always tempted to post embarrassing photos of my loved ones online. I have no idea why this is and it's been Jeremiah who's usually taken the brunt of this odd impulse. But today I will regale you with a lovely photo of me and my momma...and she has her eyes closed. Which, for some strange reason, is embarrassing.
Here are more, with ours eyes open. I've noticed that most of the photos taken on Thanksgiving (and at all other times) are of Maxine Jane. Soon everyone that reads this blog is going to naturally assume I made up the other three children and that Max is actually my only child. And then many of you will call the authorities because I'm obviously delusional.