Is it Tiny Tits Thursday? Turbo-Powered Aluminum Mini Rocket Thursday?
Is it the TMI Thursday where people talk about their bowel movements or recounting childhood horror stories of walking in on their parents having sex?
Or is it not Thursday at all, and instead Wordless Wednesday? I did one of those once. I guess it didn't work out for me, considering I like to 'talk'.
Random Acts of Violence Monday? Getting to Know Your Elderly Great Aunt Tuesday?
Alright, I'm done. For a while I was posting embarrassing photos of Jeremiah on Thursdays...maybe after I'm done linking you to some things I want you to see, I'll regale you with a photo that will make him sigh heavily and roll his eyes at me.
Now for the linkage:
John Pender is my blog friend, formerly The Angry Georgian, now just John Pender. Although I've only read snippets of his work, he is a very talented writer, and aside from that, a very nice man. Check out his website HERE. There's a link to his blog from that page as well.
Also, THIS is my friend Sam's blog. She's multi-talented, intelligent, funny and she always has a kind word for me here on my blog.
Miss Yvonne is also worth the time HERE at Yo Mama's Blog. I look forward to her posts and I won something from her, which is kick ass because I never win anything.
My dear dear Trodo McPupperson hails from The Great White North and can be found HERE at Diamond Pewpin' Carnivore. If you scroll back about three or four posts you'll find her giveaway. Get to entering it now cause there's only one more day to win a religion!
And that's all folks...oh except for two little things.
One, I would like to thank everyone for their comments the other day after my 'nervous breakdown'. A lot of people gave me some advice and 'hang in there's and it was appreciated.
Two, here is a photo of Jeremiah. I know that you and I know that it's not an embarrassing photo, but he will think it is!
This TMI thursday thing as blown up. Feeling the pressure!
You should do my blog contest too. Cause it's fun. Maybe. Sort of.
You're right...nothing embarrassing about that photo.
No love for the explosive Tuesdays? *tear*
Too Freakin Funny Thursday
Hope you're feeling better...
I have read a few TMI posts today and TMI doesnt even begin to cover it. LOL.
I think we should all follow the ballparks and do "Thirsty Thursdays." We all post after gettting drunk on cheap beer.
Hehehyeh... see, there's no way I could ever do wordless wednesdays...I like to blabber from my "type-hole" waaaaaaaayyyy too much...hahahaha!
I'm soooo "in" for Thirsty Thursdays! :D
I vote for TMI always!
Hey, thanks for the plug!
I can't wait for Man Boob Monday to roll around...
That pic makes me mad that I'm single. LOL
*copes by clicking on the links*
Hey! You made my day with that shout-out! I have a little tear in me eye. You rock. :)
P.S. I had to laugh about Wordless Wednesdays. Methinks I see no point to that. What good is my blog if I can't yammer on? :)
i'm off to read the previous post so i can give you advice on whatever you asked it have it for too!
Haha, the photo is great, he looks like a nice guy.
I've been in a creative rut lately, and I couldn't believe the outpouring of supportive comments. Aren't our blogger buddies the best? I know a few of those on your list, I'll check out the rest. xo
Expanding on what Organic Meatball said... How about "Type hole Thursday"? I love that!
Man boob monday is pretty dern funny too.
You know some funny people! I always crack up when I read your posts and even more after the comments. Good stuff.
Ah, I apologize Mr. Organic MeatBAG... I had to show my hub the funny stuff, and I told him to look for Organic meatball.
He informed me that while he could find no Organic MeatBALL, there was in fact, an Organic MeatBAG.
So, Mr. Meatbag, I humbly beg your pardon.
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