I have a pretty good life and although I do get bored with it from time to time, I consider myself pretty freaking lucky.
Just every once in awhile I get jealous of other people's lives. One of those people is Livvie Lou Who and the other is Maxine Jane.
Jeremiah was off from work Monday and we went to register Max for Kindergarten.
We picked her up from her paternal grandmother's house, took her to school, registered her for school, went to target, bought her new jammies as a gift, took her to lunch. She had lettuce, ranch dressing, croutons, jello, pudding and a chocolate chip muffin. Then we came home and she got dressed in her new jammies immediately. I went upstairs to lay Elijah down for his nap and when I came back downstairs I found her in the gameroom like this:
She didn't even notice my presence as I picked up toys off the floor, put them away, snapped these photos of her and then left the room.
A couple minutes later:
Once again, doesn't realize I'm in the room. I snap a few more photos, go about my housework. I come back to check on her a little bit later, mildly concerned I haven't heard from her in awhile:
It was finally after I asked her what I should make for dinner that she gave me some recognition.
Our new pediatrician sent home a pamphlet of papers about how much t.v./computer time children should be spending watching/playing. They recommend no more than an hour of both things a day.
And I thought I was a good mother, whoops.
Some days we are better mothers than other days. Balance.
You ARE a good mother. Could you adopt me please? I want to lay around in new footie pajamas all day.
I love Sunchips, and I also love Ketchup. I wonder what they would taste like together?!
And I think you're a good mom. Kids should be allowed to have lazy days every once in awhile.
An hour of TV? Are you kidding? The TV is Jesus and earplugs all rolled up in a happy package.
What size does Max wear? I've been looking for footie pj's for Hannah because she loves them, but I haven't been able to find any. I haven't looked at Target, but there's no point if they don't carry anything over a 6. She's in a 7-8.
P.S. - I finally went through all of those vintage buttons I told you about. I had your address from the Christmas card envelope, but I can't find it. Email it to me please and I'll send them.
Yeah, well, I'm a bad parent, too.
Sometimes television is my best friend when it comes to my kids. By the way, did you make Sunchips with ketchup? I'm wondering how that would have gone.
Such cute photos. I have no idea what Sunchips are but they sound divine. You did provide her with them, didn't you?
Maxine may be the best kid ever.
Sun chips are healthy. And ketchup is a vegetable. And you let her wear pajamas. Done. Motherhood perfection achieved.
can you sense me blushing a little bit? seriously, my dear, i think that my life IS your life, only with elijah being 13 years old. which may be impossible to imagine at this point, but let me be (not) the first to tell you, it comes sneaking up on you so fast... oh, also, i live in maine!
(also, p.s. i get jealous cause you sing so pretty. and cause your kids are still little enough that you can tell funny stories about them.)
I want those pjs in my size!
I usually eat CHEESE on my Sunchips....
that sounds like the best day ever! i call nextsies!
it's alright, my mom wouldn't let us watch more than an hour and i'm over on my blog complaining about it :)
If this is true, I'd make a horrible mom because I was raised on TV. Sure I read lots of books and my mom took us to the park, we fed ducks at the pond, I danced ballet and tap, etc. but I loved my TV as a kid--I'd die if only allowed ONE HOUR!
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
I'd only worry about it if you gave her the sunchips with ketchup and called it dinner!
I have had that big "whoops" many times myself. ;) Yesterday at Jarrah's school was "pajama day." When I asked all the kids at pick-up what they did, they yelled "Ate pancakes! Slept! Wore pajamas!" I was like "Where can I sign up for pajama day? Sounds like a day in freakin' heaven."
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