I'm still in shock at how incredibly mild this summer has been for us here in Western PA. Now, I know what you're thinking, isn't the summer always mild in Western PA? And the answer is no. Which you probably already gathered by my first sentence....cause why would I be surprised at mild weather if the weather was always mild?
Summers here are usually close to unbearable, humid and sticky and downright gross. Growing up in a house with no air-conditioning, sometimes I felt like I was going to die, or flip out and lock myself in our freezer. Everyday was filled with swimming, hoses, sprinklers or just downright begging my parents for a day at the lake.
There has only been a handful of days this summer where I was uncomfortable, which I should be thankful for, but on the flip side the girls have been complaining about the lack of swimming weather. We ended up using the baby pool a few times when the sun warmed up the day to a respectable 80 degrees, but in the shade or when the wind blows Max whines and whines about being cold.
We took the baby to the lake this weekend while the girls were with their dad at the pool. I guess we could have gone to the pool too, but Jeremiah and I prefer not to 'hang out' with the girls and their dad on the weekend...we're afraid it's confusing for the baby and also taking time away from their dad's time with them. We took Elijah on a bike trail and then took him in the lake, but it was still not all that hot. I was sweaty and gross after the bike ride though, so a dip in the lake was appreciated.
THEN I NEARLY LOST IT. This freaking fat ugly white trash turd head was hugely pregnant with three little kids running all around the place unattended. The jerk was chain smoking in the middle of a very crowded beach. She was practically blowing smoke in her kids faces, and we know she was actually blowing smoke in her unborn babies face. I was so ticked. I told Jeremiah I was going to confront her, I guess my idea was the she was ignorant of the dangers of smoking while pregnant AND the dangers of second hand smoke. Some researchers think that asthma and chronic ear infections may be caused by it! Hello! It's like an epidemic!
Jeremiah, who is incredibly smart and excellent disarmed the ticking time bomb in my mouth and reminded me that nobody is unaware of the risks of smoking during pregnancy...she just doesn't care. This made me even more upset, but made my premise for approaching completely negated. I was going to make her aware so maybe she'd at least stop smoking in public around at least 30-40 other children, including her own. Ugh. I'm still upset. Obviously I didn't say anything cause I would probably have a bloody lip right now...we all know white trash pieces of dog turds don't know have to have intelligent conversations, so she probably would have kicked my ass.
Regardless, here's some summer photos of my darling angels, who weren't pummeled by nicotine and carcinogens for nine months...or ever for that matter.