Is it totally unfounded to state that the weather is fickle and cruel? Last night when we were taking out the garbage it was freezing cold and there was an uncomfortable biting wind.
Today, while the baby is sleeping and I have a million things to do inside it's absolutely positively gorgeous out. Weather, you are inhumane.
Somebody ought to do something about it...
So anyways, can I tell you some random things I think are extremely cool/interesting, but you probably won't give a shit about? Great, let's get started:
Jeremiah, my oh-so-better half, looks exactly like Deniro in Taxi Driver. Yes, I know Deniro is a psycho in that movie, but psycho-ness has nothing to do with looks, right? Mmmhmmm. So Check It Out:

After perusing through our photos I realized that Jeremiah is smiling in more photos than I would guess he would be smiling in. This kind of ruins my examples of how much Jeremiah looks like Deniro in Taxi Driver, but it still a delightful surprise. What an incredibly hot dude. Thanks Fate! (Ignore how pig-like I look in the one photo. Actually, that's not even me, it's just an uglier less photogenic version of me that came out to attend my cousin's wedding that day.)
More randomness, I adore pickled things. I eat bread and butter pickles, pickled beets, pickled brussel sprouts, pickled cauliflower. I must be an incredible acidic person. Somebody should lick my arm and see if I'm pickled. Go ahead, I allow you. And who knows, if you like pickled as much as I do, you might just enjoy it.
This isn't entirely random per se...
I love James Jean. Take a few minutes and go over his portfolio. I wish I was more of an artsy person, I'd decorate my room with his prints. I especially like Ballad
Weep Flip and Treat